My father sparked my interest in science fiction. The first movie I saw in the theater was Forbidden Planet. Over time we watched The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits on TV, and The Andromeda Strain and Close Encounters of the Third Kind in the theaters. This interest led me to write a sci-fi novel:
Quests, based on Gulliver’s
Travels, begins in 2079. Navy Captain Samuel Galloper is a scientist who continually
seeks answers about the mysteries of the universe. The military only
temporarily quieted his feverish mind through its regimented ways. Galloper
invents a propulsion system that transforms matter into energy and can open
wormholes. However, the military wants to steal his work and use it to wage
war. So, Galloper decides to prevent the perversion of his invention by leaving
Earth on a journey through the cosmos. He visits three planets whose
inhabitants exhibit very different ways of dealing with life. He becomes
involved in the armed conflict between two of the planets. Along the way he
befriends aliens and a witty robot. He falls in love with an extraterrestrial
who might know more about humanity than Galloper does. As Galloper nears the end of his quests, he must weigh the risks
of returning to Earth. Will his invention fall into the wrong hands? Will
anyone believe his story about his intergalactic travels? What fate awaits his
new love if she goes with him?
SPOILER ALERT! The plot will be discussed.
On the movie set he meets Virginia, who has a much
stronger will than the females Siegel is used to meeting. He tries to put the
moves on her and is frank about being married. She tells him he is a smooth
talker, but “dialogue is cheap in Hollywood, Ben. Why don’t you run outside and
jerk yourself a soda.” She wittily reverses the “soda jerk” phrase and cuts him
down to size by saying he should choose that lowly profession.
In a meeting with LA crime boss Jack Dragna (Richard
Sarafian), Siegel says either Dragna joins him and his gangster friends in the
crime operation or Dragna must shoot him, and he hands Dragna his gun. The
impression is that Siegel lives up to the name “Bugsy” because he acts crazily.
Siegel wastes no time in getting what he wants. He explains his philosophy of
grabbing what he desires when he says, “Time is vicious when you take it for
Siegel is a complex character. His desire to break
American laws is offset by his patriotic enthusiasm. He tells Raft that
Mussolini is “Hitler’s partner. He’s our mortal enemy,” and he does not
tolerate anyone being in the United States who consorts with the country’s
enemies. He actually hatches a pan to get close to the Italian fascist to kill
him. When he finds out fellow Italians killed the dictator, Siegel is upset,
because he wanted to commit the act, and now he can’t add that item to his list
of ego-building accomplishments.
He wins Virginia over, but she knows that they will cause each other grief. That’s because, she says, they are both selfish. She says, “we both want whatever we want whenever we want it, and we both want everything.” Given that premise, they start a passionate love-hate relationship. There is jealousy about her sexual past, which is a double standard given his promiscuity.
Siegel’s sociopathic nature is evident as he confronts Dragna about stealing from him. He yells like a maniac, threatens to kill him, plays Russian roulette, and makes Dragna crawl like a pig. He then calmly eats his dinner, only to be seduced by the turned-on Virginia, who shows her own deviance by getting excited by Siegel acting like a lunatic.Speaking of crazy people, Mickey Cohen (Harvey Keitel), the head of the LA mob scene, makes a deal with Siegel reluctantly. They go to Las Vegas to check out a rundown place that has a few slot machines that bring in some money. After getting into an argument with Virginia, he gets out of the car, walks into the desert, and gets his epiphany about turning Vegas into a gambling mecca. (IMDb notes that the original idea for turning Vegas into a casino town belonged to Billy Wilkerson, a gambler, Siegel became his partner and then took over the operation).
Despite his wacky personality, Siegel has vision. He
explains to Lansky how Nevada allows gambling and if they make it hospitable
with a large, luxurious hotel, and add all the elements that a city possesses,
like schools and a church, then they will be able to control the city. His
ambitions are grand, as he says that after controlling the city, they can
control the state, and then have a big say in who is President. He even
counters Lansky’s argument about concentrating on Cuba when Siegel says a
foreign country can kick you out. That foreshadowing is realized in The
Godfather, Part II. Lansky is the voice of reality, trying to reign in Siegel’s
off-the-rails behavior, such as trying to assassinate Mussolini. Lansky also
alerts Siegel to the fact that the alure of stardom, which feeds Siegel’s
narcissism, conflicts with the gangster life, where one doesn’t want to draw
attention to the illegal activities being perpetrated.
Siegel eventually wins over even the practical Lansky
as he plans his oasis, his “Eden” in the desert, in the form of the Flamingo Hotel.
His imagination is grandiose as he says about costs, “Did they ask Michelangelo
what it would cost to paint the Sistine Chapel? Did they ask Shakespeare what
it would cost to write MacBeth?” Of course comparing the building of a
hotel-casino in Las Vegas to immortal works of art shows how egotistical Siegel
A taxi driver testifies that he dropped Greenburg at
Siegel’s house the day Greenburg was killed. So, Siegel is arrested for the
homicide. His accommodations in a private jail are plush, with gourmet food and
telephone at his disposal which shows how much leverage he has even in prison.
Siegel is more concerned about appearances again, saying a photo in the
newspaper made him look pale, despite his tanning routines.
The cost of the Flamingo soars, and in his divorce
settlement Siegel gave much of his wealth to his wife and children. He must
cash in all his assets, including his Hollywood home, to finance the hotel. Virginia
has been running the project while Siegel is incarcerated. Siegel gets out
after Cohen prevents the taxi driver from testifying in the homicide trial. Siegel’s
reckless spending alienates him from Lansky and Luciano.
Siegel tries to get Virginia to fly on separate
occasions. She is brash and strong, but she has a deathly dear of flying. Her
aversion to getting in a soaring plane may suggest that, despite her
ambitiousness, she can’t join Siegel on his grandiose level of reckless daring.
But back on earth, on solid ground, she is an aggressive schemer. Cohen tells
Siegel that she stole two million from Siegel and put it in a Swiss bank
account. Siegel mentions this information when she is jealous of his asking a
possible female employee if she likes flying. She accuses Siegel of looking for
a new girlfriend. The argument between them leads to Virginia leaving him.
Lansky sums up Siegel’s character when he tells Luciano,
in exile in Cuba, and fellow gangsters that Siegel has no business ability
because he doesn’t respect the cost of things. It isn’t money he is interested
in but making something real from one of his ideas. Lansky says, “He is a
dreamer.” These words make one think that if he was more stable emotionally and
not a gangster, Siegel could have accomplished a great deal given his
imagination and drive.
However, these are hardened criminals only interested
in the bottom line, like most big businessmen. Luciano knows about the money in
the Swiss account and suggests Siegel is behind it. Siegel also has overspent
and oversold investments in the hotel which will tank the whole enterprise if
the Flamingo is unsuccessful. It seems fate is working against Siegel, since on
opening day there is a powerful rainstorm, in the desert of all places, which
means that although it is Christmas, Siegel’s stocking comes up empty. But he
has faith and tells Lansky on the phone not to sell his shares in the Flamingo.
Lansky says Siegel must fly to LA that evening. Siegel
suspects that he is in trouble but asks Lansky not to involve Virginia in his
failures. He is willing to take all the responsibility to protect her. In a
sort of ironic play on the last scene in Casablanca, Virginia shows up at
the airport with the two million dollars, but Siegel tells her to save it for a
rainy day, which is funny because it is raining, and he needs help now. She is
even willing to join him on the flight in the dangerous weather, which shows
her love for him. Her just offering to help him is enough for Siegel.
Lansky said he would “handle it” if the casino didn’t look like a success. The assumption is that he follows through. Bullets riddle Siegel’s house as he watches his bad screen test. He is killed as the Hollywood-like dream of his fails which is suggested by the shots destroying his video equipment.
The gangsters tell the devastated Virginia that Siegel is dead and they are taking over the Flamingo. Endnotes state that Virginia returned the money to Lansky. However, she couldn’t live without Siegel and committed suicide. Siegel’s advice to Lansky was right. Las Vegas has become a huge money-maker. The last shot of the film shows the Las Vegas strip lit up with an abundance of hotel-casinos. Siegel’s dream came true, but his dangerous life denied him the chance to see it.
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